Thanksgiving has always been special to me because that is when I would go and see my extended family. My mom and grandma cooked all kinds of foods from sweet potato pie to roast turkey. I can still taste the memories. My family would always catch up on what we’ve missed with each other. Every other trip would end in a fight, but the time together is what I miss the most. It has been a long time since we’ve all been together like that. Most of my family members aren’t alive, so it’s not the same. I’m fond of the memories but not the newfound sadness that comes around this time of year.
– Richard Stewart
My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is when my whole family comes to my grandma’s house and we all celebrate together. Itʻs my grandma and papa, her three children and their children. My grandma always cooks the turkey, and everyone brings an assigned dish so no one brings the same thing. My grandma always decorates her house a Thanksgiving style. Itʻs so cute, she does it every holiday. When everyone gets there, we do a little prayer and remember what we are thankful for, then we feast. We don’t go by children first, this family just grinds. Whoever gets there first, gets first pick, which is always me and my cousins. Since thereʻs not enough room for everyone in one area, we are scattered in different rooms. After we are done with our dinner everyone helps clean up and we say our goodbyes. Itʻs always the saddest part because I love being with my family.
– Lisharay Souza
I’d have to say Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Not because of the delicious food that is prepared every year, but because of the family bonding that happens. It’s a little different now that my grandma has passed away. But every year she would make the turkey with her special “cornbread stuffing.” No one can make it exactly like her to this day. Oh and she would also always have cranberry from the can, which I still can’t stand. The kids would spend all day playing outside and lounging around the house while the parents cooked. My family never had that famous turkey trot race or anything, but we did have each other’s presence. I treasure that because as an adult now I realize how busy and crazy life can be so having holidays in between to spend with everyone makes it that much more special.
– Cherish Hosini
As a military spouse we never really get to spend Thanksgiving with our family, but when we do, it is actually one of greatest things. Thanksgiving for us means giving thanks to God for all of the blessings he has given to us throughout the year. Thanks, because He helped us make it through whatever situation we had. Also, all the family, or most of it, were able to be gathered together to this special and emotional reunion. Our Thanksgivings are full of awesome and really tasty foods, most of the time made by grandma. That is what makes it special. What is even more special about this tradition is that we get to see our loved ones, because we never know when it will be the last time we see them.
– Alyha Kline
My favorite part of Thanksgiving is that it is a time for family to get together. Of course, there are the traditional food dishes that are delicious, turkey and stuffing and cranberries … Yum! But being from a blended family that traveled a lot, the food wasn’t as important as the fact that it was a time for our family to get together, eat and think about what we were grateful for.
– Melissa Myers