Title IX … and you

Your Voice Matters! #BeHeardUH

The annual climate survey on sexual harassment and gender-based violence was released to all students on Jan. 22. Many students wonder what the purpose of this survey is. This survey gauges students’ current attitudes, behaviors and standards relating to sexual harassment and gender-based violence.

The survey is a completely confidential measure to see what is actually happening on our campus and every other campus in the UH system. The survey often asks personal questions that can be uncomfortable for some as it takes on sensitive topics such as sexual assault, harassment, dating violence and domestic violence. The value of the survey is that it shows our campus what we need to do to better support our students and address concerns that impact their education.

The survey also evaluates if students know where to get support and whether or not they feel supported when they do access various services. All of this is critical in ensuring that our campus is safe and free from any discrimination and harassment.

The key here is to share your thoughts. Without feedback from students like you, the campus is left to guess what students need. This survey provides an opportunity for students to tell the entire UH system as well as the state Legislature what is needed on our campuses.

By completing the climate survey, students give the entire system an opportunity to address and prevent sexual harassment and gender-based violence. If the system or the campus isn’t addressing these concerns, this is where you can share what can and should be changed.

We often hear that our voices have power, yet we often fail to utilize them. Let your voice be heard now until Feb. 22. Be the one who assists our campus in ensuring our students are safe, supported and have access to the resources necessary to have a positive academic experience. President Lassner and the entire UH system is committed to raising awareness, addressing students’ experiences and concerns about their safety and ensuring a safe learning and working environment for all.

Should you have any questions about the survey, please contact me at karlas@hawaii.edu or head to www.hawaii.edu/titleix/survey for more information.

by Karla Silva-Park and Jordan Lewton